Mechanical Turk Demystified: Best practices for sourcing and scaling quality participants for your niche

Mechanical Turk Demystified: Best practices for sourcing and scaling quality participants for your niche

In this session, we will discuss how to unlock the full potential of Mechanical Turk, through advanced screening, panel management, and recruiting techniques, to source participants for various remote research activities. We’ll cover the quirks, tips, and tricks around the tool and highlight how researchers can reach a large, diverse audience all while still converging on niche target user groups.

Mechanical Turk is a crowd sourcing tool that has grown in popularity over recent years for its affordability and scalability. Researchers have used the tool to publish research activities to remote participants to achieve rapid, scalable, and affordable insights.

Intermediate Tools & Techniques
Location: Date: June 7, 2017 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Jake Volz Charles Mitchell