Collaborative Experience Mapping: Leveraging Groups for Rapid, Customer-Generated Journey Maps

Collaborative Experience Mapping: Leveraging Groups for Rapid, Customer-Generated Journey Maps

Find out what differentiates Collaborative Experience Mapping (CEM) from other user research techniques and learn how you can apply CEM when developing journey or experience maps with your users. Take advantage of the benefits of group sessions without losing the depth of findings from 1:1 sessions.

Over the past 8 years, we have applied numerous research methods to align with client needs and research goals, and often needed an efficient way to investigate user journeys with actual customers. Having discovered firsthand that no single research method was a great fit, we have developed a new approach to generating journey maps via group-based user research. Inspired by Co-Design, Focus Groups, and Contextual Inquiry, we’ve combined individual activities with group sessions in order to reveal individual experiences and motivations without losing the creative aspects of the group dynamic.

This workshop is an interactive deep-dive into the benefits (and drawbacks) of Collaborative Experience Mapping methodology; we will explain what we’ve learned throughout our projects and how you can apply it to your own research efforts.

Intermediate Tools & Techniques
Location: Date: June 5, 2017 Time: 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm Ben Schweitzer Elizabeth Zietlow