Developers in the Mist – Bringing Technology Teams Into the Field for Contextual Research to Build Empathy and Get Developers Thinking About the User First

Developers in the Mist – Bringing Technology Teams Into the Field for Contextual Research to Build Empathy and Get Developers Thinking About the User First

Do you ever ask yourself “Why doesn’t my technology team care more about the user?” Despite numerous presentations, invitations to user sessions, video clips, and other activities, researchers often fail to get developers acquainted with end-users and their needs. How do we keep user needs from taking a backseat to solutions that may be quicker or simpler to develop?

Our UX research team has taken on the challenge and won. Our technology teams are now stepping out “into the wild” with researchers to observe users in their natural habitat. Now, our tech teams not only think about user needs when developing solutions, but also have a deeper understanding of who they are, what they do and how they use our products.

We’ll share our success story with you and go over how you can implement such an initiative at your own company.

Intermediate Tools & Techniques
Location: Date: June 7, 2017 Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Michael Pate