Show Some Emotion: Personality in UX Design

Show Some Emotion: Personality in UX Design

What is it about the experiences that we create that makes a user feel deeply connected, entertained, and even sensually satisfied? Today’s users are exposed to an increasing number of devices and new technology, but seek genuine experiences that bring ease, familiarity, and a personal connection. This course will focus on what we as UX professionals need to do to reveal the personality of the interface and foster unique and authentic relationships with the user. We will discuss topics such as communication, space and contrast, organized grid systems, and the iconography, typography and motion that make up visual systems. Our discussion will inform attendees on how to analyze new motion design trends and gain an understanding of what visual methods are necessary to continue to foster genuine experiences and emotional connection in today’s websites and applications.

Location: Date: June 8, 2017 Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Ashley Pulli Morgan Knepper